How to install smartNSF

The installation consists of two parts:

For the server part, you have to import the software into a notes application based on the Eclipse Update Site template. To be able to do the configuration of the routes, you need to install the software into the notes designer.

So get started, download the software and extract the zip file.

smartNSF on the domino server

For the server installation, you continue with the file:

Extract the file to see this contents:

On the Domino Server, create a new notes application based on the “Eclipse Update site” template (Advanced Template

Adjust the Access Control List (ACL) to your needs.

Open the newly created update site database and install the software into the application.

The feature is successfully installed. The version with the green checkmark will be activated by the http server task.

In case you need to upgrade, you disable the current feature and import the extracted new local update site.

Don't forget to restart the http server task.

Depending on your configuration / security concept, you might have to sign all content in the update site. To do so, choose Actions - Sign all content from the menu.

To tell the server to load the XREST XSP feature (smartNSF), you need to modify the server’s notes.ini and reference the filename pointing to your eclipse update site.

Notes.ini entry to reference the update site

Restart the http server task so that the smartNSF feature is loaded into memory. This is visible in the domino server console with the output 'NSF Based plugins are being installed in the OSGi runtime'.

You can also verify if the framework version has been loaded. Execute the command in the domino console:

Command to check if smartNSF is loaded
tell http osgi ss org.openntf.xrest

This should list as a result:

smartNSF in the notes designer client

For the designer installation, you continue with the file:

Extract the file to see this contents:

Open the designer and from the menu choose File – Application – Install

Then 'Search for new features to install'

Add Folder Location and browse to the extracted folder

After the installation you get prompted to restart your notes client. Execute the restart. If desired, you can verify the installation via Help About then switch to the Plug-ins tab.

From now on, your designer shows an additional design element: XRest API Routes. This is the location, where you add the REST API routes to. Here you configure mapping notes fieldname to json properties. The language to use is groovy.

Where to go from here?

In case you are not familiar with smartNSF yet, we recommend to walk through our Getting Started steps.

Else, head over to the documentation.